This is our journal from the mountains. We love to share stories of our life up here in the Italian Alps. It’s wonders, its fatigues, the beauty, the work, the family…
Tales, photographs and video from our mountain maso.
July menu
It's already July and summer seems to be passing by so fast. June is usally a very busy time up here: haying, planting, organizing pantry for winter, taking the animals up in the higher mountains. There is no routine in June. July is usually calmer, but still... The...
Our May menu and some reopening news
Here we are again. Too many times this last year we have been talking about "reopening". I do really hope this is the last time for a while (and that the next "reopening" will be just after our vacations). We open with a brand new spring menu. I am very proud of it:...
Coffee ice cream cake
Saw it- saved it- made it!It is so unbelievably good that I think it will become one of our farm restaurant desserts (I already ordered tiny little cake molds).Have I already mentioned that I am craving for opening our doors again? Hope you had a wonderful Easter...
How we are doing these days
that everything is fine or it’s going to be. I am not ashamed to say that I am overwhelmed by this situation. No need to explain too much, right?But one light is shining in this darkness. It’s the quality and quantity time I am spending with them. Yesterday I went...
Me and the egg pasta
assure you: it’s not that being Italian means that you can automatically make good egg pasta. For me, it wasn’t a love story. It took me quite a while to get the fresh egg pasta I wanted. As most of “easy” recipes, it will almost never completely fail, but at the same...